Improve performance and speed in Lightning Experience

Improve performance and speed in Lightning Experience

If you or your Users are experiencing slow page-loading times when using Lightning Experience, it may be related to one or more of the following issue types.
  1. Geographical
  2. Device
  3. Browser
  4. Salesforce organization configuration issues
Please review issue descriptions and mitigation strategies below to improve the performance of your Salesforce organization for Lightning Users.

Geographical Issues
  1. Accessing a host instance from a different geographical location (i.e., an org is hosted in North America but a user accesses it from Asia).
  2. Experiencing degraded Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) performance due to:
    1. Latency issues between the client device and remotely-located web servers; or
    2. Customer network topologies, such as virtual private networks, that require routing traffic through a corporate office or data center before being re-routed to a customer’s org within the Salesforce environment.
Potential Mitigation Steps

Assess your network latency: Ask your company’s network admin or IT professionals to assess your network latency when connecting to your Salesforce environment. They can run utilities such as “ping” or “traceroute” to gather data and then determine ways to optimize network connection speed. You can also measure download and upload speeds to your Salesforce instance here: https://[instance]

Device and Browser-Related Issues
  1. Using laptop, desktop, or virtual desktop infrastructure that does not have adequate processing power or memory. Or there are multiple applications competing for the device's resources, such as CPU and memory.
  2. Using web browsers with plug-ins or extensions that consume large amounts of CPU or memory.
  3. Running too many browser tabs simultaneously. Each tab consumes memory and CPU cycles.

Potential Mitigation Steps

Assess browser processing capability: Measure the processing capability of browsers on client devices (laptops, desktops, workstations, or virtual desktops) using Octane. If an Octane score is less than 20,000 at minimum, Lightning Experience performance will likely be slow. A high-end client device typically has an Octane score greater than 32,000. The higher the Octane score, the better Lightning Experience performance will be. You can try the following steps to boost a client’s Octane score:
  1. Ensure laptops are fully charged or connected to a power source. When a laptop runs with a low battery, it tends to run in a lower speed to save power.
  2. Close other applications running on the client device, if possible.
  3. Reset browser settings to original defaults, if possible.
  4. Remove unused or unnecessary browser plugins and extensions.
  5. Upgrade the client device to a model with more processing power and memory.
Disable unneeded plug-ins and extensions: The impact of browser plug-ins and extensions on Lightning Experience performance depends on how much CPU power or memory resources they consume. Disable specific plug-ins or extensions to see if the change results in a higher Octane score. The way to disable add-ons differs for each browser. For example, in Chrome, view, enable, and disable plugins or extensions by typing: chrome://plugins/ or chrome://extensions/.

Use latest browser version or patch: Browser vendors typically release a newer version or a patch with fixes to improve performance, security, or stability.

Switch browsers: Performance varies by browser. Chrome has consistently been the fastest browser for Lightning Experience.

Restart your browser or device: Restarting browsers and client devices once a week can help. A client device or browser running various applications can keep excessive resources longer than needed. Freeing up these resources makes browsers and an operating system’s resource management more efficient, allowing the browser and OS to spend more time and system resources on frequently-used applications like Lightning Experience.

Salesforce Org Configuration
  1. Using non-optimized Visualforce implementations.
  2. Enabling Aura Debug mode.
  3. Using Lightning pages with complex constructions, large number of components, or hundreds of fields. These types of pages require more time to process and render.
Potential Mitigation Steps

Optimize your Visualforce pages: Follow the guidelines we have provided in the Best Practices for Optimizing Visualforce Performance developer doc.

Disable Aura Debug mode: Your org may have enabled Aura Debug mode to make it easier to debug JavaScript code in Lightning components. But running Aura Debug mode slows down Lightning Experience performance. To turn off this mode in sandbox and production orgs, go to Setup, select Lightning Components, and then deselect the Enable Debug Mode checkbox.

Reconfigure processing-intensive pages: If your Salesforce org has pages with a large number of fields, inefficient custom components, or complex page configurations, consider reducing their complexity to improve rendering load times.

  1. Streamline the number of fields that are initially visible to just those that are relevant to a user's function. You can do this using profiles.
  2. Break up the elements on pages, including fields, related lists, and custom components, into tabs. Present the most-needed information on the first tab and move secondary information to later tabs. Move less critical components behind one or more Lightning page tabs. Components that are not in a primary tab are not rendered in the initial page load, but rather only on demand. For example, move the News and Twitter components to a secondary 'News' tab.
  3. Details: Place the Details component in a secondary tab, or reduce fields displayed in the details panel. This will have a linear impact on the rendering time of that component.
  4. Related Lists: Place the Related Lists component in a secondary tab, optionally displaying one or two key Related Lists on the primary page using the new 'Related List' (singular) component. Reduce the number of related lists to 3 or fewer.
  5. Custom Components: quantify the impact of custom components by testing with and without the component. Some components can be refactored as Lightning Actions or have general optimizations applied.

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